
In sickness and in health

My trip to Japan was amazing in many ways. I was thrilled to see my friend again, to visit one of my favourite countries again and stuff my stomach with the delicious food it has to offer. Also, after spending nearly a year working full-time, getting diagnosed with bipolar disorder AND trying to write an MA thesis somewhere in between all that, I really needed the time off work. And it was good. Whether it was my friend, the sushi, the karaoke or seeing Mount Fuji through the train window – within days something helped my mind to let go of all the worries and stress that had been there for months.


Bipolar and relationships

As of 1 January, 2015, I’m no longer a single woman. Once again, I have been tricked into the bizarre world of having a boyfriend. He’s amazingly caring and mentally stable, which is probably exactly what I need, but at the same time exactly what terrifies me most. (more…)

After the rise comes the fall. And the meds.

So it’s been a while and a lot has changed. After the first two weeks of euphoria and carelessness, an anxious feeling started to creep through every once in a while. I started to question what I’d done, realising there would come a moment that I’d regret all of it – or at least parts of it. Nonetheless, those moments wouldn’t last long before they switched back to hypomanic me, being high on life and enjoying every bit of it. As long as no one confronted me with the silly stuff I’d done, I could just keep going.
